
Luckylight Electronics Co., Ltd is a professional LED manufacturer and supplier, which specializes in R&D, producing and selling LED products. Luckylight people are highly educated with 20% advanced degrees and experienced (80% of managers with more than 5 years of service). Our 30 years of experience in LED design and manufacturing, with support from our loyal customers and suppliers, has formed the foundation of our competitive strength. Our products are widely used for applications ranging from computers, consumer electronics, automotive, lighting, and many other purposes. Luckylight provides a diverse product portfolio consisting of High Power LEDs, SMD Chip LEDs, Through Hole Lamp, Lighting Components, LED Lighting Modules, Digital Displays, backlighting module and Infrared Components for various applications. The Luckylight brand is trusted by customers worldwide as a world-class manufacturer of LEDs.

Luckylight Udvalgte produkter


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