
Qualcomm - Billions, maybe trillions of times a day we often do what many thought was impossible. That’s how often people around the world touch something made better by Qualcomm. It could be the smartphone in your pocket, the tablet on your coffee table, that wireless modem in your briefcase, it could even be that navigation system in your car or that action camera strapped to your chest. +More Who is Qualcomm, and what do we do? We are engineers, scientists and business strategists. We are from many different countries and speak many different languages. We come from diverse cultures and have unique perspectives. Together, we focus on a single goal—invent mobile technology breakthroughs. As the world’s industries evolve, so do the connections we enable through our wireless and computing solutions. By helping homes, cars, cities, education, wearables, and healthcare share more interactions and data across a variety of networks, we’re weaving the fabric of the Internet of Things so that entire industries can redefine what’s possible. -Less

Qualcomm Udvalgte produkter


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